טורקים בעולם הערבי

הטורקים בעולם הערבי מתייחסים לקבוצות אתניות של טורקים בעולם הערבי. ישנן אוכלוסיות טורקיות משמעותיות הפזורות ברחבי צפון אפריקה, הלבנט וחצי האי ערב.
בלוב, חלק מהקבוצות מזהות את עצמן בתור טורקים, או צאצאים של חיילים טורקים שהתיישבו באזור בימי האימפריה העות'מאנית [1] יש גם מיעוט טורקי משמעותי במצרים.[2]
גם בלבנט, הטורקים חיים ברחבי האזור. בעיראק ובסוריה נהוג לכנות את המיעוטים הטורקים "טורקמנים", ו"טורקומנים"; מבחינה היסטורית, מונחים אלה שימשו לציון דוברי טורקית באזורים ערביים, או מוסלמים סונים באזורים שיעים.[3] רוב הטורקמנים העיראקים והטורקמנים הסורים הם צאצאים של מתיישבים טורקים עות'מאנים.[4][5][6][7] ולחלוק קשרים תרבותיים ולשוניים הדוקים עם טורקיה, במיוחד האזור האנטולי.[8][7] ישנם גם מיעוטים טורקים בירדן ובלבנון. הטורקים הלבנונים חיים בעיקר בכפרים איידאמון וקואצ'רה בנפת עכאר, כמו גם בבעלבכ, ביירות וטריפולי.
אוכלוסיית מיעוטים טורקים
מדינה | הערכה הנוכחית. אוכלוסייה טורקית |
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1,500,000 (אומדן 1993)[9] (150,000 באל-עריש, בתוספת 100,000 טורקים כרתים)[10] כ-3% מהמצרים מקורם באסיה הקטנה (כ. 2.8 מיליון)[11] |
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3,000,000 (אומדן משרד התכנון העיראקי לשנת 2013)[12][13] |
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מעל 60,000[9] פליטים פלסטינים-טורקים: 55,000 באירביד[14] 5,000 קרוב עמאן[14] 5,000 באל-סאהן[14] 3,000 באל-רייאן[14] 2,500 באל-באקה[14] 1,500 באל-זרקה[14] 250 בסאהב[14] |
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מעל 80,000[15] 125,000 עד 150,000 טורקמנים סורים פליטים[16] |
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4.7% מאוכלוסיית לוב (מפקד 1936)[17] 100,000 טורקים כרתים רק (אומדן 1971)[10] כ 350.000 היום מבוסס על נתונים רשמיים ממפקד 1936. |
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הגדה המערבית: 35,000 עד 40,000[18] |
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200,000[19] |
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ההערכות נעות בין מאות אלפים ל -3.5 מיליון[20] |
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הערכה: 500,000[9]-2,000,000[21] |
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10,000[22] |
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10,000 עד 100,000[23] או יותר מ 200,000[19] |
קישורים חיצוניים
- Republic of Turkey: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Republic of Turkey: Ministry of Labour and Social Security
- Dış İlişkiler ve Yurtdışı İşçi Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
הערות שוליים
- ↑ Malcolm, Peter; Losleben, Elizabeth (2004), Libya, Marshall Cavendish, p. 62,
There are some Libyans who think of themselves as Turkish, or descendants of Turkish soldiers who settled in the area in the days of the Ottoman Empire.
- ↑ Nkrumah, Gamal (2016). "Did the Turks sweeten Egypt's kitty?". Al-Ahram Weekly. נבדק ב-30 באוקטובר 2016.
Today, the number of ethnic Turks in Egypt varies considerably, with estimates ranging from 100,000 to 1,500,000. Most have intermingled in Egyptian society and are almost indistinguishable from non-Turkish Egyptians, even though a considerable number of Egyptians of Turkish origin are bilingual.
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: (עזרה) - ↑ Peyrouse, Sebastien (2015), Turkmenistan: Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development, Routledge, p. 62, ISBN 978-0230115521
- ↑ Taylor, Scott (2004), Among the Others: Encounters with the Forgotten Turkmen of Iraq, Esprit de Corps, p. 31, ISBN 1-895896-26-6,
The largest number of Turkmen immigrants followed the army of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent when he conquered all of Iraq in 1535. Throughout their reign, the Ottomans encouraged the settlement of immigrant Turkmen along the loosely formed boundary that divided Arab and Kurdish settlements in northern Iraq.
- ↑ Jawhar 2010: "There’s a strong conflict of opinions regarding the origins of Iraqi Turkmen, however, it is certain that they settled down during the Ottoman rule in the northwest of Mosul, whence they spread to eastern Baghdad. Once there, they became high ranked officers, experts, traders, and executives in residential agglomerations lined up along the vast, fertile plains, and mingled with Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, and other confessions. With the creation of the new Iraqi state in 1921, Iraqi Turkmen managed to maintain their socioeconomic status."
- ↑ International Crisis Group 2008, תבנית:Pn: "Turkomans are descendents of Ottoman Empire-era soldiers, traders and civil servants... The 1957 census, Iraq’s last reliable count before the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958, put the country’s population at 6,300,000 and the Turkoman population at 567,000, about 9 per cent...Subsequent censuses, in 1967, 1977, 1987 and 1997, are all considered highly problematic, due to suspicions of regime manipulation."
- ^ 7.0 7.1 The New York Times (2015). "Who Are the Turkmens of Syria?".
In the context of Syria, though, the term ["Turkmen"] is used somewhat differently, to refer mainly to people of Turkish heritage whose families migrated to Syria from Anatolia during the centuries of the Ottoman period — and thus would be closer kin to the Turks of Turkey than to the Turkmens of Central Asia...Q. How many are there? A. No reliable figures are available, and estimates on the number of Turkmens in Syria and nearby countries vary widely, from the hundreds of thousands up to 3 million or more.
- ↑ BBC (18 ביוני 2004). "Who's who in Iraq: Turkmen". נבדק ב-2011-11-23.
The predominantly Muslim Turkmen are an ethnic group with close cultural and linguistic ties to Anatolia in Turkey.
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: (עזרה) - ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Akar, Metin (1993), "Fas Arapçasında Osmanlı Türkçesinden Alınmış Kelimeler", Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7: 94–95,
Günümüzde, Arap dünyasında hâlâ Türk asıllı aileler mevcuttur. Bunların nüfusu Irak'ta 2 milyon, Suriye'de 3.5 milyon, Mısır'da 1.5, Cezayir'de 1 milyon, Tunus'ta 500 bin, Suudî Arabistan'da 150 bin, Libya'da 50 bin, Ürdün'de 60 bin olmak üzere 8.760.000 civarındadır. Bu ailelerin varlığı da Arap lehçelerindeki Türkçe ödünçleşmeleri belki artırmış olabilir.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Rippin, Andrew (2008). World Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415456531.
- ↑ "National Geographic's DNA Analysis Concludes That Egyptians Are Only 17% Arab". Cairo Scene. 2017-01-16.
68% Native North Africans, 17% Arabs, 4% Jewish Diaspora, 3% Eastern Africa, 3% Asia Minor, 3% Southern Europe
- ↑ Bassem, Wassim (2016). "Iraq's Turkmens call for independent province". Al-Monitor. אורכב מ-המקור ב-2016-10-17.
Turkmens are a mix of Sunnis and Shiites and are the third-largest ethnicity in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, numbering around 3 million out of the total population of about 34.7 million, according to 2013 data from the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
- ↑ Triana, María (2017), Managing Diversity in Organizations: A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis, p. 168, ISBN 978-1317423683,
Turkmen, Iraqi citizens of Turkish origin, are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, and they are said to number about 3 million of Iraq's 34.7 million citizens according to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
- ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 El-Hatip, Alyaa (2014), "Filistin Türkmenlerinin Genel Durumu", Ortadoğu Türkmenlerİ Sempozyumu, ORSAM, p. 96
- ↑ Al-Akhbar. "Lebanese Turks Seek Political and Social Recognition". נבדק ב-2012-03-02.
- ↑ Ahmed, Yusra (2015), Syrian Turkmen refugees face double suffering in Lebanon, Zaman Al Wasl, נבדק ב-11 באוקטובר 2016
: (עזרה) - ↑ Pan, Chia-Lin (1949), "The Population of Libya", Population Studies, 3 (1): 100–125, doi:10.1080/00324728.1949.10416359
- ↑ El-Hatip, Alyaa (2014), "Filistin Türkmenlerinin Genel Durumu", Ortadoğu Türkmenlerİ Sempozyumu, ORSAM, p. 95,
Batı Şaria Türkmenlerinin sayısı 35-40 bini bulmaktadır.
- ^ 19.0 19.1 Güzel, Hasan Celâl (2016). "Orta Doğuda Türk/Türkmen Varlığı" (PDF). Yeni Turkiye. p. 150.
Bunların dışında, Suudî Arabistan’da 150 bin Türk nüfusu, Mısır’da 150 bin civarında Ariş Türkleri, Yemen’de en az 200 bin Türk, Ürdün’de çok sayıda Türk asıllı nüfus yaşamaktadır. Mısır nüfusunun üçte birinin, yani 25 milyon nüfusun Türk asıllı olduğu ileri sürülmektedir.
- ↑ BBC (2015). "Who are the Turkmen in Syria?".
There are no reliable population figures, but they are estimated to number between about half a million and 3.5 million.
- ↑ Sertoglu, Sedat (1998), Haftaya Bakış, vol. 7, Bakış Basın Yayın Organizasyon, p. 35,
Bugün Tunus'ta Türk kökenli 2 milyon insan yaşadığı bildirilmekte ve Dunlardan 60-70 yaşın üzerindekiler Türkçe bilmektedirler.
. - ↑ Turks living in the UAE vote in presidential elections
- ↑ Yemen Raporu, Union of NGOs of The Islamic World, 2014, p. 26,
Bu noktadan hareketle, bölgede yaklaşık 10 bin ila 100 bin arasında Türk asıllı vatandaş bulunduğu tahmin edilmektedir.
טורקים בעולם הערבי38396832Q16046070